
The new European Parliament must have the institutional capacity to stand up for the interests of children in every aspect of its work. We call on you, to ensure the rights of all children around the world are respected and fulfilled. All 28 EU Member States have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; the Lisbon Treaty makes the promotion of children’s rights an explicit objective of EU internal and external affairs and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights requires that the best interests of the child is a primary consideration in all EU actions. It is now time to translate these commitments into concrete results for children.

To thank all those MEPs who have become Child Rights Champions, the Child Rights Action Group, bringing together international and European organisations promoting children’s rights both in the EU and in its external action, invite you to debate how you can translate your commitment into concrete results.

Interested in making a commitment to children’s rights in the European Parliament? Please read the Child Rights Manifesto and sign up to become a Child Rights Champion.

Roundtable discussion: Championing Children’s Rights in the European Parliament

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Buffet lunch 12.30 – 13.30

Roundtable discussion 13.30 – 15.00

To register for the event click here: