17th March 2008

Eurochips member Action for Prisoners’ Families (APF) has launched its new website. Feeling that their old site had begun to look jaded, and was limited in terms of how it could develop, APF raised funds to completely revamp the website, producing a new design that has a much more contemporary feel and is easier to navigate. Feedback so far has been very positive. However, the site is still “in development” and additional changes will be made to both contents and functionality when the site has “bedded in.”

One of the main changes APF will be making is to develop the “members’ zone” to allow members to log in. This means the content can be more relevant to members’ needs. APF also hopes to add some web 2.0 features such as a blog and short films in the “Family Voices” section and would like to profile our European partners more prominently. APF encourages people to visit the site at and send any comments and feedback.