The Children of Prisoners Europe Network is a group of organisations and individuals working with and on behalf of children with imprisoned parents. Each member brings a level of expertise and practical information from their own professional and cultural context to the network, resulting in a diverse range of shared knowledge regarding the various situations relating to children with imprisoned parents across Europe.

We note that there are common threads through all cultures regarding this group of children – their feelings of separation anxiety and their vulnerability to both stigma and developmental issues. We also take the opportunity to note the differences.

Our members share their programmes, projects and research with one another.  They frequently update our staff on news, events and awareness-raising activities in their own contexts; which we then disseminate to the network. In many cases, projects that work well in one country for helping children of prisoners cope with their situation also work well in other countries.

The network gives those working for the cause the opportunity to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects and work together on international research studies.

More information about the network is available, including information about our current members, the membership categories and how to join the network.

COPE Network Values

Child justice focus: We are committed to putting children’s rights and well-being at the core of all our work, underpinned by non-discrimination; the best interest of the child; access to information; and the right of the child to be heard in decisions affecting them.

We are a learning organisation: We reflect on our work  and strive for excellence in all our work.  We are open to innovation, to embracing change, to exploring new pathways to better the lives of children of prisoners, promoting understanding that they are ordinary children with adverse  life experiences;

Integrity, independence and Good governance: We aim to ensure good governance and work with integrity ,independent of  any religious or political party affiliation.

Partnership & Participation: We work with our members who  inform us, help us define our priorities, and enable us to achieve our goals.

We work in partnership and seek external alliances to enhance our impact on the lives of children and young people.

We want the voices of children and young people to be heard, as well as those of people who are working with, and caring for, them (including their parent in prison).