6th December 2009

Eurochips Partner Bambinisenzasbarre has been awarded the mention of “Special Merit” within the “Premio Amico della Famiglia 2008” (2008 Friend of the Family Prize)

The Italian association Bambinisenzasbarre (BASBA) received the mention “Special Merit” within the “Premio Amico della Famiglia 2008” from the Italian Family Under-Secretary Carlo Giovanardi. The price was launched by the Premiership of the Cabinet, Department of the Family Politics. Basba’s project “Spazio Gallo” (litterally “Yellow Space”) was chosen among more than 600 nationwide initiatives and projects by public and private bodies. “Spazio Giallo” is a child-friendly socio-educational space at Milan’ San Vittore prison, where children visiting their parent in prison prepare themselves and receive support.

The price of the special mention was awarded to “Projects of excellence” with the aim of promoting and bringing out the best initiatives concerning family politics. The official ceremony took place at 26th November in Rome.

For additional information please contact Bambinisenzasbarre : or have a look atthe website of the Italian Ministry.