15th April 2008

Eurochips, in collaboration with its French member Relais Enfants Parents, has launched a painting workshop for children at Villepinte Prison outside Paris—the first painting workshop to be set up in France.

Children waiting to visit their imprisoned fathers are given the opportunity to engage in a non-verbal means of expression that is less anxiety-producing than the spoken word, participate in a creative, child-centered activity in a neutral setting, think about their imprisoned fathers and make a gift for them, pass the time spent waiting for the visit in a constructive manner, learn to work with others (space is limited), and have some fun.

Drawings will be given to their imprisoned fathers on a regular basis, accompanied by a brief letter, explaining that this is a gift from their child, suggesting that the father can talk about it with them during the prison visit and underscoring that if the child’s work is chosen to be exhibited in a show, fathers will be given a voice in authorising use of the work.

The works will be exhibited within the prison locale, and will be displayed during the special all-day visits for the end of the year holidays and for Father’s Day.