The 2024 edition of Game with Mum & Dad (GWMD) officially kicked off in Poland on 4 August in Tarnów on prison grounds at the penitentiary Zakład Karny w Tarnowie Oddział Zewnętrzny w Tarnowie-Mościcach. Organised by Polish COPE member Probacja, the event brought together families separated by prison walls for a day filled with laughter, love and a game of football.

Twenty-five participants gathered on the field, including seven parents serving sentences, nine caregivers and nine children. The outdoor football game offered a unique setting where children could run and play side by side with their parents, free from the barriers that usually separate them. 

Special guests

Also involved in the event were several special guests, including former football star Paweł Węgrzyn, the coach of the Unia Tarnów Football Team. Also present were Jerzy Nagawiecki, Vice-President of the Małopolska Football Federation, and Artur Główczyk, President of the Krakow Football Subdistrict. Their presence, together with the gifts they brought to children, underscored the significance of the event and made it even more memorable.

“I scored five goals! I was able to play with my parents on the same team. I haven’t seen my dad since January. It’s been almost eight months. I try not to think that my dad is in prison. I support my mum. When dad gets out of prison we will play football and spend time together.” – boy, 14 years old

(„Strzeliłem pięć bramek! Mogłem grać z moimi rodzicami w jednej drużynie. Od stycznia się z tatą nie widziałem. To prawie 8 miesięcy. Staram się nie myśleć, że tata nest w zakładzie karnym. Wspieram mamę. Jak tata wyjdzie z więzienia to będziemy grać w piłkę nożną i spędzać razem czas.” – chłopak, 14 lat)

A special soup

But the event didn’t end with the final whistle. It was followed by refreshments and creative activities for childen. One participant, a father serving a 25 year long sentence, went to extraordinary lengths to make the day special for his 12-year-old daughter. Knowing she would visit him for the game, he decided to prepare delicious dishes, including salads and jellies and, most importantly, her favorite tomato soup.

For this father, the opportunity to cook for his daughter was profoundly meaningful. It was the first time the two of them could share a meal he had prepared, and seeing the pride in her eyes transformed a simple act of cooking into a powerful act of love and connection that transcended the prison walls.

They talked, laughed and she told him how delicious it was.

Seeing her happily mop up her soup, and seeing the pride she felt for him, gave him great joy. In his words: ‘it gave me wings‘.

The success of the GWMD event in Tarnów was a testament to the profound impact that this initiative can have, by creating memories for families and offering children a sense of normalcy in a challenging setting.
Stay tuned for the upcoming matches, including 3 more in Poland! What happened in Tarnów is happening elsewhere in Europe — the COPE network is mobilising to generate international momentum surroudning this campaign. 
It’s about more than just one day, it’s a movement. 
To make sure you don’t miss any of the action, be sure to check the calendar for the full schedule.