1st May 2010

Eurochips is pleased to announce that a series of Training and Information Packs (TIPS) for prison staff, professionals and schools, will be presented in May at a FFP/Eurochips seminar in Oslo entitled “Children of Imprisoned Parents: Exchanging Experience and Good Practice”. The TIPS were developed as part of a transnational Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Partnership on maintaining parent-child bonds when a parent is imprisoned. The Partnership, launched in 2008, is coordinated by Bambinisenzasbarre (Italy) and includes ASBL Relais Enfants Parents Belgique, Action for Prisoners’ Families (UK), and Eurochips (France) as partners. TIPS Prisons aims to boost the competence of those working with imprisoned parents, both inside and outside prisons, and to raise awareness on the importance of family ties among those who come into contact with the imprisoned parent. TIPS Professionals focuses on practitioners and professionals working with children with imprisoned parents and their families, to raise awareness among those who come into contact with prisoners’ children. TIPS Schools will help provide teachers with tools for supporting these children and understanding the impact of a parent’s imprisonment. The TIPS will include training modules and key background information on the subject.