Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) recognises the uniquely important – and challenging – role played by those who care for children when their parent is in prison. Whilst each family’s situation is different, many caregivers may face similar questions: what should I tell the children? How should I speak to the school? How do I respond to the changing emotions and behaviour of children? What about the financial situation, or the logistical challenges of visiting a parent in prison?
We are writing a document that will be sent to families across Europe to provide practical ideas, information and guidance. This document will also be shared with decision-makers across Europe to inform them about the needs of caregivers and their families. COPE firmly believes that the content of this document should be informed by the lived experience of caregivers. Have you looked after a child when their parent was in prison? If so, we would love your help! Can you tell us about your experience?
The questionnaire is available in 21 languages, please find your preferred version below. The translations have been carried out online, so may not be fully accurate. If you notice a correction to be made, please get in touch at contact[at] to let us know.
Section 1 includes questions for you. If there are any questions that you prefer not to answer, please leave them empty.
Section 2 is for children. This section is optional, please leave it empty if you would prefer not to involve children.
COPE Caregivers Questionnaire EN
COPE Chestionar pentru îngrijitori_RO
COPE Cuestionario para cuidadores_ES
COPE Ερωτηματολόγιο για Φροντιστές_EL
COPE Dotazník pro pečovatele_CS
COPE Fragebogen für Betreuer_DE
COPE Frågeformulär för vårdgivare_SV
COPE Kwestionariusz dla opiekunów_PL
COPE Kwestjonarju għal Min jieħu ħsieb_MT
COPE Kyselylomake omaishoitajille_FI
COPE Questionário para os cuidadores_PT
COPE Questionario per i caregiver_ITA
COPE Questionnaire pour les aidants _FR
COPE Spørgeskema til pårørende_DA
COPE Spørreskjema for omsorgspersoner_NO
COPE Upitnik za njegovatelje_HR
COPE Vragenlijst voor verzorgers_NL
COPE Въпросник за лица, полагащи грижи_BG
COPE Pyetësor për Kujdestarët_SQ
COPE Bakım Verenler için Anket_TR