The European Journal of Parental Imprisonment is an annual publication that seeks to broaden the study of issues relevant to children affected by parental incarceration and meet a burgeoning interest in the development, implementation and evolution of entitlements, policies and practices that promote their well-being. With a view to fostering new perspectives for children with imprisoned parents, the Journal features contributions by eminent scholars and experts in the fields of child rights, child welfare, criminal and social justice, psychology, penal affairs and other disciplines; published articles do not necessarily represent COPE’s opinions. Selected articles are editorial screened but not peer-reviewed. The editor is committed to reasoned ideological diversity and welcomes suggestions for special issues and contributions.
“As they examine how the rights of children of prisoners have evolved since the Treaty of Lisbon, the contributors to this first issue spotlight pathways to change, ways in which civil society can work together: through the development of child rights protection systems, the use of procedural safeguards, new complaints mechanisms and a strengthened jurisprudence, new avenues for child rights advocacy.”
– Liz Ayre, COPE Executive Director
Use the following links to read the various issues and translations online:
Volume 10 / 2021
- Alternative care and parental imprisonment: Perspectives and interventions to support children (English)
Volume 9 / 2020
- Perspectives on keeping connected during a pandemic: Challenges to child rights and well-being (English)
- Maintien des liens pendant une pandémie : Les défis aux droits et au bien-être de l’enfant (Français)
- Perspectieven op verbondenheid tijdens een pandemie: Uitdagingen voor kinderrechten en -welzijn (Nederlands)
Volume 8 / 2019
- The child’s best interests: From theory to practice when a parent is in conflict with the law (English)
- Les intérêts supérieurs de l’enfant : de la théorie à la pratique lorsqu’un parent est en conflit avec la loi (Français)
- Het belang van het kind: Van theorie naar praktijk als ouders de wet overtreden (Nederlands)
Volume 7 / 2018
- Bonding across barriers: Support for the infant- parent relationship within a carceral context (English)
- Maintenir les liens à travers les barrières : le soutien à la relation enfant-parent en milieu carcéral (Français)
Volume 6 / 2017
- First port of call: The role of schools in supporting children with imprisoned parents (English)
- Le premier refuge : Le rôle de l’école dans le soutien aux enfants de parent détenu (Français)
- Die erste Anlaufstelle: Die Rolle von Schulen bei der Unterstützung von Kindern inhaftierter Eltern (Deutsch)
Volume 5 / 2017
- Making children count: Improving data collection for children with imprisoned parents (English)
- Pour que chaque enfant compte : Améliorer la collecte de données sur les enfants de parent détenu (Français)
- Weil es um die Kinder geht: Bessere Datenerhebung für Kinder inhaftierter Eltern (Deutsch)
Volume 4 / 2016
- Resettlement and family ties (English)
- La réinsertion et les liens familiaux (Français)
- Reinserimento sociale e legami familiari (Italiano)
Volume 3 / 2016
- Community sanctions and restorative justice (English)
- La justice restaurative et les peines d’intérêt général (Français)
- Misure alternative e giustizia riparativa (Italiano)
Volume 2 / 2015
- Child impact assessments and sentencing (English)
- Les évaluations d’impact sur l’enfant dans le processus judiciaire (Français)
- Procjena utjecaja na dijete i određivanje kazne (hrvatski)
Volume 1 / 2014
- An evolving child rights agenda (English)
- Des perspectives en évolution pour les droits de l’enfant (Français)
- I diritti dei bambini: agenda in evoluzione (Italiano)
- 1 Razvoj plana o pravima djece (hrvatski)
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