COPE is running a workshop as part of the annual World Congress on Justice with Children, to be held online from 15-20 November. Co-hosted with Terre des Hommes and COPE members Relais Enfants Parents Romands (Switzerland) and Status M (Croatia), the workshop will consider children impacted by parental imprisonment as well as teenage parents in conflict with the law, particularly teenage fathers – largely unrecognised as a subgroup – and pregnant teenagers in prison. Informed by Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)5 and COPE’s collaborative work with the CoE and Europris implementing the Recommendation, the workshop will consider children impacted by parental imprisonment when parents are teens and focus on forms of care for their child while they are in prison.

The workshop is to take place on Wednesday 17 November at 16h CET. Registration required. Find more information here.

Registration for the congress can be accessed here.