COPE’s ongoing work on its Data with a Purpose initiative has advanced knowledge on existing and future methods of data collection for prisoners upon entry. This initiative is part of COPE’s efforts to obtain robust data on children affected by parental imprisonment across Europe, with the purpose of determining how many children are impacted, who they are, where they are, and what kind of supports they need. 

In 2023, progress was made in Latvia and Slovakia, building on a foundation laid in Lithuania during 2021 and 2022. This report details various conferences, workshops, and collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing knowledge and partnerships within these countries. Additionally, it offers a comprehensive look at data collection methodologies and statistics, providing valuable insights into the number, demographics, and needs of children with imprisoned parents across the European Union.

COPE’s Data Report (2023) is not just a reflection of past achievements but also a roadmap for future initiatives aimed at ensuring robust and ethical data collection practices. COPE continues to strive for better protection and support for children impacted by parental incarceration, aligning with the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Read the full COPE Data Report (2023) here.