COPE has produced a toolkit on frame reflective advocacy for and with children who have a parent in conflict with the law. This publication discusses how refining the ways in which sensitive, child-friendly language devoid of stigma or judgement can better protect and promote children’s agency and offers a series of tools and ideas for more meaningful advocacy that protects children’s well-being and maximises impact. Advocacy work with and on behalf of children impacted by parental imprisonment should do the following:

  1. Encourage the active participation of children in defining the problems affecting them and designing the solutions.
  2. Use data responsibly to protect children and avoid any further stigma when building evidence on why they need support, what needs to change for them to better access support and how that change can come about.
  3. Shift paradigms and perspectives to promote positive change in society towards greater society towards greater social justice and equality.
  4. Communicate about children in ways that foster their resilience and agency.

The tools and ideas in this publication can be replicated for other groups of children in vulnerable situations.

Read the toolkit here