Children with imprisoned parents: collecting data with a purpose

June 25, 2024

COPE’s ongoing work on its Data with a Purpose initiative has advanced knowledge on existing and future methods of data collection for prisoners upon entry. This initiative is part of COPE’s efforts to obtain robust data on children affected by parental imprisonment across Europe, with the purpose of determining how many children are impacted, who … Read More

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How can we make prison spaces more child-friendly for children visiting a parent? 

June 10, 2024

Building on an online child-consultation developed by COPE and disseminated by members and affiliates, the following report presents a detailed analysis of forty-eight children’s responses regarding their experiences and needs when visiting their parent in prison. This report summarises insights gathered directly from children across ten countries (nine EU Member States), highlighting critical areas that … Read More

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A “one roof” approach to support children with a parent in prison: the role that children’s ombudspersons can play

April 22, 2024

COPE advocates for a ‘one roof’ approach, a strategic scheme that encourages relevant cross-sectoral stakeholders to come together under a unified framework to provide an integrated response for children with a parent in prison, by sharing resources and identifying and addressing deficiencies in existing systems.  This briefing paper offers an overview of some of the … Read More

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Child Participation when a parent is in conflict with the law

April 11, 2024

Child participation stands as the first thematic area of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, which states that EU action should ‘empower children to be active citizens and members of democratic societies’. Promoting meaningful participation of children with a parent in prison ensures their influence in key decisions that affect their lives, … Read More

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A toolkit for frame reflective advocacy

December 26, 2022

COPE has produced a toolkit on frame reflective advocacy for and with children who have a parent in conflict with the law. This publication discusses how refining the ways in which sensitive, child-friendly language devoid of stigma or judgement can better protect and promote children’s agency and offers a series of tools and ideas for … Read More

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What I think, in images and words

September 28, 2022

The Council of Europe Recommendation CM/ Rec(2018)5 is landmark instrument that addresses the needs of children with imprisoned parents through fifty-six guidelines for good practice. As part of COPE’s 2020 ‘Not my crime, still my sentence’ campaign, COPE members shared a selection of these guidelines with children who were invited to choose one that they … Read More

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Advocacy Packs

August 24, 2022

COPE ‘Advocacy Packs’ can be used as starting points when initiating contact with the following stakeholders: prison services, alternative care providers, police and law enforcement officials, the media, the judiciary and schools.

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