Establishing Baselines: Data collection towards better safeguarding children with a parent in prison (2018)

February 12, 2018

The collection of data presented in COPE’s 2018 ‘Establishing Baselines’ report is the first of its kind. It draws from a qualitative questionnaire designed by COPE in 2017 and was distributed to prison administrations and services in 47 member states in the lead up to the publication of Recommendation CM/Rec2018(5). The work of data collection … Read More

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Children of Roma and Traveller Prisoners: A Short Guide (2017)

October 18, 2017

There is an overrepresentation of Roma and Travellers in prison populations in Europe, though exact numbers are difficult to establish, as some countries in Europe do not provide prison population statistics by “ethnicity” and “race”.  There is a general lack of understanding and studies on the situation of Roma and Traveller prisoners across European countries, … Read More

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Family Relations Good Practice Collection

September 7, 2017

This Family Relations Good Practice Collection is the result of a two-year, multilateral cooperative project between the EuroPris Family Relations Expert Group and COPE on issues related to children of prisoners. The good practices within serve as recommendations, drawn from numerous European prison administrations, with a focus on improving the child’s experience in prison visiting … Read More

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Children of Imprisoned Parents: European Perspectives on Good Practice

January 7, 2016

First published in 2006, this new edition of Children of Imprisoned Parents: European Perspectives on Good Practice reflects welcome change in awareness, knowledge and practice with respect to what is being done, and what can be done, to support the needs and rights of children with imprisoned parents. The publication, featuring a range of initiatives, … Read More

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Our response to the European Commission call for the Green Paper 2011

February 7, 2014

The European Commission sent out a call for submissions in 2011 for their Green Paper on the application of EU criminal justice legislation in the field of detention. The Green Paper contained 10 questions, and the Commission was interested in receiving feedback, comments and replies from practitioners, such as judges, prosecutors and lawyers and other … Read More

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Special edition Justice for Children of Prisoners newsletters

December 16, 2013

In Autumn 2013 we began an EU-funded project to compile a series of four newsletters focused on justice for children of prisoners. The themes of the newsletters were as follows: Prisons across Europe: National focuses on protocols relating to children of prisoners Prisons visits & families: Impacts, successes & struggles Police, judges & sentencing: Arrests, … Read More

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The COPING Project

August 7, 2013

The Children of Prisoners: Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health (COPING) project is the Children of Prisoners Europe network’s major accomplishment to date. From January 2010 – 2012, the EU-research study co-founded by the EU Commission was a child-centred project, which investigated the resilience and vulnerability to mental health problems of children of imprisoned … Read More

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Children of Imprisoned Parents

February 7, 2011

Dr. Maria (Ria) Wolleswinkel’s “Children of Imprisoned Parents” is a fundamental text for COPE, providing a legal perspective imbued with psychological and social context. Dr. Wolleswinkel is Associate Professor of Women and Law at Maastricht University. She is a member of the university’s Department on Criminal Law and Criminology and Research School on Human Rights. … Read More

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