Announcement of an open call for recipients of financial support

EU Grant number: 101140443

EU Project acronym and title: Child Check 2024

The project Child Check 2024, co-funded from the European Union’s European Education and Culture Executive Agency (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme) under grant agreement No 101140443, foresees as an eligible activity the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve its own objectives.

Reference and title of the call: Game with Mum & Dad

Total budget for the call: 45,000 EUR

Type of call: single stage call

Call publication date: 19 February 2024

Call submission deadline: 26 April 2024

Date of information session for applicants: 28 February 2024

Minimum/maximum project duration: One year

Minimum/maximum grant awarded: 9,000 EUR (lump sum), no co-financing required

Indicative number of grants to be awarded in 2024: Five

Date of announcement of call results: 10 May 2024

Date project begins: 24 May 2024

Objectives to the call

A primary COPE objective is to maintain and strengthen trust, love and bonding between children and their parents in prison while maximising direct support for children. COPE also aims to foster structural transformation within prisons to promote children’s rights and well-being throughout criminal justice systems; to promote child participation in and ownership over change-making; and to reduce stigma for children by shifting attitudes towards parental incarceration among the general public. To bolster support for children while promoting this shift in attitudes, COPE works from a holistic cross-sectoral perspective, showcasing its outcomes and impact throughout the law enforcement and criminal justice spectrum — from police to judicial authorities, prison services, schools, media and communities — and bringing cross-sectoral stakeholders together under one roof to better coordinate holistic support. It works to identify and remedy systems gaps and improve support for children. These objectives are articulated in COPE’s Network Principles and endorsed by COPE members across Europe.

This sub-granting call, part of a 2024 Grant Agreement signed between COPE and the European Commission, aims to align actions and achieve a critical mass of COPE NGOs in five different EU Member States, particularly smaller grassroots organisations, some led by and serving communities that are especially marginalised, to further these objectives and to move the agenda forward. It will do this through a 12-month grant to organise (at least) one football game between children and their parents in prison in 2024 and to showcase the outcome of this event to cross-sectoral stakeholders detailed above. Full Members of COPE based in EU Member States are invited to submit their project proposal for a Game with Mum & Dad (GWMD) to be organised within their country context. This action will allow COPE members to take an active part in a broader GWMD campaign.

More information on organising games with prison services and cross-sectoral showcasing events is available in the Guidance Note.

How to apply

The completed grant application to be submitted must include the following documents: 

  • Completed Application Form, including signed Declaration of Honour to respect and fulfill EU values at the end of the Application Form

All documents must be completed in English and applications need to be sent in full prior to the deadline of Friday 26 April 2024 18:00 CET to regranting@networkcope.eu

Please include all documents in a single email.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. 


Action                                                                               Date

Call opens                                                                       19 February 2024

Information session                                                       28 Feb 2024, 3:00-4:30 pm CET

Application deadline                                                     26 April 2024, 18:00 CET

Call results published on COPE website                     10 May 2024

Project launch                                                                 24 May 2024

Selection Process

​An Evaluation Committee will review all proposals submitted.

​​Selection criteria include:

  • Child participation dimension — extent to which children are involved in design, development, implementation and follow-up of the project (20%)
  • Gender-sensitivity dimension (games for both girls and boys), inclusivity (e.g. children with disabilities, non-binary), promotion of EU values (20%)
  • Creativity, including in terms of leveraging pro bono support for the project (15%)
  • Capacity to carry out project, including sound financial management and past experience relevant to project (20%)
  • Degree to which the organisation is grassroots (e.g., organisations working locally to effect change, drawing on a bottom-up approach to decision-making and action) (10%)
  • Impact and sustainability (e.g., coverage of event, feedback from children, parents in prison and prison staff, commitment of authorities to systematising games) (15%)

Selected beneficiaries


For further information about the call, please contact: regranting@networkcope.eu