In December 2017, Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) published volume 6 of the European Journal of Parental Imprisonment ‘First port of call: The role of schools in supporting children with imprisoned parents’. The articles highlight the key role schools have in supporting children affected by imprisonment and explore the importance of Human Rights Education principles; listening to children, even in their silence; training for school staff; and involving imprisoned parents in their children’s schooling.

This toolkit is intended as a practical accompaniment to the journal. It aims to provide support for COPE network members in how to work collaboratively with schools, giving examples of existing initiatives and addressing challenges. It also offers information and resources in the Appendices, which can be adapted as necessary and left with schools. Drawing from across the COPE network, the toolkit is designed to be a dynamic document that allows for ongoing updates from network members. In it you will find practical suggestions, things to consider, and examples of good practice from network members as well as international colleagues.

Read the toolkit for schools here: Reading Between the Lines: A toolkit to help schools support children with a parent in prison

Cette boîte à outils est aussi disponible en français : Lire entre les lignes : Une boîte à outils pour aider les écoles à soutenir les enfants de détenus

Esta publicação também está disponível em português: Leia o kit de ferramentas para escolas aqui: Ler nas entrelinhas: Um conjunto de ferramentas para ajudar as escolas a apoiar as crianças com um dos pais na prisão