NIACRO works with people in prison and their families, through the emotional and practical support delivered by their Family Links project. This is a project that supports those outside of prison with information and support. One of the main objectives of the Family Links project is to help reduce the negative impact of imprisonment on the families. This is done through a myriad of holistic support services. For example, when an imprisoned family member refers their family members to the service, Family Links contacts them within 24 hours. If the family wishes to use the service, they are sent an information packet that gives information about what the project does, these services include: visiting the prison, contacting their relative, transport to the prison, benefits and welfare services, managing money, engaging with school, and accessing other services that may be beneficial.

For more information:


Amelia House

4 Amelia Street

Belast BT2 7GS
Tel: 02890320157